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Mushroom Plate Culture

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 CAD
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Mushroom Species

Plate cultures are for pre-orders only. Usually takes 2 weeks to ship.


Plate cultures are for experienced growers who have proper equipment and knowledge to to work with agar petri dishes. These mushroom plate cultures are perfect for master spawn or for master liquid culture. Dishes are well packaged in bubble wrap for safe shipping.

Plate Size: 100x15mm

Shelf life: 6 months (in the fridge)

All products are prepared in front of an industrial grade 99.99% efficient at 0.03 micron HEPA Filter Flow Hoods.


Once package received, open it carefully with sanitized hands, place mushroom culture plate in the clean zip lock bag. Keep it in the fridge.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us: