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Monotub Kit Combo: Sterelized Grains & CVG Substrate

Regular price $50.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 CAD
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Our Monotub Kit Combos will set you up for dung loving mushroom cultivation while helping you to save more!


Sterilized Rye Berry Grains for mushroom spawn are hydrated, sterilized and supplemented with gypsum for optimal mycelium growth. We add hydrated lime during the soaking stage to minimize the bacteria. Then, bags are sterilized in All-American pressure cooker for 3 hours at 15 psi. Sterilized grain bag includes a self-healing injection port for liquid culture syringe and a 0.2 micron filter patch to block airborne contaminants while providing even gas exchange.

Our Substrate Mix for dung loving mushrooms includes coco coir, vermiculite, gypsum and other nutrients. We pasteurize* substrate to preserve good bacteria that prevent contamination while providing more nutrients to mushrooms. Substrate bag includes filter patch that will allow you to use for "hoodie tek" or "bag tek" as well as well as monotub set up.

All products are prepared in front of an industrial grade 99.99% efficient at 0.03 micron HEPA Filter Flow Hoods.


Once package received, open it carefully with sanitized hands. Wipe all bags with alcohol and set bags in dry, clean, cool storage till ready to use. Use within TWO WEEKS.



3lb Sterilized Grains & 5lb CVG Substatere. SAVE $18 - Ideal for small tub

3lb Sterilized Grains & 10lb CVG Substatere. SAVE $20 - Our preferred ratio

4.5lb Sterilized Grains & 10lb CVG Substatere. SAVE $22 - Ideal for large tub like MAX YIELD BIN

If you have any questions feel free to contact us: or use the chat box feature on our website.